Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Easy English 2

Easy English [Oxford Educational, 2003-2005]

/ Journal of English Language / 6 -10

The magazine is suitable for beginners who want to learn the language, but do not know where to start, and for people who want to improve their knowledge. Each issue of the magazine - a full lesson, you'll be able to pass.

It begins each lesson with the section "New Language", for examples of grammatical rules with Russian commentary. All examples voiced by native speakers in the audio application. Audio is necessary to listen and repeat out loud.

The next section of the lesson - "Let's Talk". Here you will find the text of the dialogue with the translation that will help to understand the English spoken language. Audio in English is also provided. Try to repeat the phrase with the same pace and with the same tone - Teach your vocal apparatus to speak English.

After any text or dialogue is an active vocabulary of transcription and translation of "New Words and Expressions". Audio All the words also need to listen and repeat - so you can easily remember the pronunciation of new words.

The next section of the lesson - "Rules of English". Stable phrases and vocabulary that will be useful to you when communicating. A detailed explanation of grammatical points of the lesson. All audio.

The next section - "Practice Makes Perfect" - exercises and activities to consolidate traversed. Immediately after each job is the answer and the comment with an explanation in Russian. Exercises continue in the section "Pronunciation".

In the "English Spoken Here" you know the country, cities and regions where people speak in English. Text, audio and development of active vocabulary.

In "Fun Pages" you will continue acquaintance with the English culture. Interesting texts about show business, culture and people.


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